"Access” 303 dinghies are our chosen boats. We have 7 303 dinghies which have been purpose-designed for disabled sailing. Costing around $10,000 each, the dinghies feature tandem seating, are very stable and virtually impossible to capsize, and are excellent for instructing learners of all capabilities.
All of our dinghies have either been donated or acquired through funding grants and each has a story to tell ...

"Arthur Doust"
Sail # AUS1800
Donated by Gympie Cooloola Rotary Club.
"Spirit of Liz"
Sail # AUS 1801
Donated by Apex and nicknamed "Citrus" because of the combination of its yellow deck and orange sails, this 303 was named at a special ceremony in August 2012 in memory of former Sailability sailor, Liz Grieve, who passed away in March that same year.
"Robin Scott"
Sail # 1848
Acquired through a Jupiter's Casino Community Benefit Funding Grant, the boat was named after Robin Scott, founding Secretary of Sailability Tin Can Bay, in recognition of her tireless efforts in establishing the organisation. It's nickname is "Purpal" because purple was Robin's favourite colour.

"Spirit of Joyce"
Sail # 1849
Acquired through a Jupiter's Casino Community Benefit Funding Grant, the boat was named in memory of former Sailability sailor, Joyce Hibbert, at a ceremony in June 2012. After discovering Sailability, Joyce became an avid sailor, eventually gaining enough skill to sail a 203 single-hander and was often seen enjoying a quiet little sail in Snapper Creek on sailing days. Joyce passed away in 2011.
"Mac's Toy"
Sail # 1939
Donated in March 2011 by the McClintock Family in cooperation with the Rotary Club of Gympie. The boat was named in memory of Faye McClintock's late husband, a former Sailability sailor.
"SS Davo"
Sail # 1941
Donated in March 2011 by Jobmatch Gympie to celebrate Jobmatch's inaugural manager Gary Davison's love of sailing. Jobmatch is a community-based organisation that assists people with disabilities to find work.

"SS Forrest"
Sail # 2207
Donated by Jobmatch Gympie in June 2012, this 303 is named after Tony Forrest who was the first person to be placed in work by Jobmatch.